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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Conversation of Art... :)

Ya han empezado las clases!!

Arte del natural (figure drawing) es bueniiiiisima :)

Estoy en una clase con 60 estudiantes! Tenemos dos modelos un hombre y una mujer y la aula esta dividida en el medio con un modelo a cada lado.

The class is great because it is a mixture of ages with people from all walks of life...for example I met one girl who is a young mother and who wants to do art restauration, and another middle aged lady who always wanted to study art and who is finally able to do it, and tons of students around my age who are taking the course as a prerequisite before picking ‘una especialidad’-the first few years of study are comun for all those in the same facultad/dept. then you specialize for the last 2 years:)

The teacher is very professional and he really helps you draw with a plan. That is not to say that he expects you to begin systematically attacking the paper as though it was a military operation...but rather in a more strategic sense he asks us to employ different techniques and methods in the creative process. He challenges us to be more like students of the martial arts by interacting dynamically with our drawing, just as they engage an opponent bringing all skills sets to the table, readily available and for use when necessary.

The creation of art is a process, whereby the artist, the subject and the materials remain in constant dialogue, negotiating and maneuvering until one conversation is resolved and a new one begins…

Bueno tengo que irme a leer un poco del Don Quixote de la Mancha.....más mañana!!

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